In my previous writings about Fuzzing WarFtp part 1 i have failed to exploit the WarFtp applications of ftp. Today I will explain why and what the failed. I have failed because i just know if running Olly debuger and WarFtp always to start and close repetedly. In the session exploit using fuzzer you must have long time in front of your pc and read the fuzzing technique so trying error its a good experience.
Scenario :
Attacker request service through ftp client and sending fuzer through ftp. The victim open the application of WarFtp. After attacker running the fuzzer the WarFtp's victim crash and error. Error is a good news for attacker to know the vulnerability of the application so the attacker can remote or handle the victim.
First time you must deleted the FtpDaemon in the victim (Windows Xp2) and adding new user, in this session i add with username usertest and password user.
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WarFtp Victim |
Like in the Fuzzing WarFtp part 1 running the Netcat (nc) to connect with the victim and than write the fuzzer using python programing language, so running the fuzzer. After running the fuzzer the WarFtp's victim crash and error. Look the OllyDbg, the registers ESP, EBP and EIP overwrite.
WarFtp OverWrite |
The register ESP overflow and overwrite the register EBP. ESP is a stack register, called a stack pointer, that points to the top of the stack; EBP is also a stack register (called the base pointer), used to reference local variables and function arguments on the stack. EIP is the instruction pointer register it controls program execution by pointing to the address of the next instruction to be executed.
Patern Create |
As we used the pattern_create function to create our initial buffer and pattern_offset to calculate the buffer length required to overwrite our exception handler.
Output pattern_create |
Lets modify the fuzzer and copy the output from pattern_create in to the fuzzer.
Fuzzer2 |
After modify the fuzzer so running the fuzzer to overwrite the ESP and EBP.
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