Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fuzzing For Reverse Enginering

Fuzzing is a process or method used to find a logic error and failure in a data processing applications by providing an abnormal input into an application and see and learn how the application handles the exception that there is

Fuzzer is a mention for applications used in the fuzzing process. Basically a way of working by sending data simultaneously and repeatedly either automatically or semi-automatic into a software for processing. fuzzer based on how it works is divided into two kinds, they are mutation-bassed and generation - based.

Fuzzing for reverse engineering 
fuzzing is first time process stage which would be carried out by a security researcher, through the process of fuzzing an application can be set up to treat abnormal or invalid data that will be seen how the application handles the data and process handling error by the application. Of this process that a researcher can see if there are security holes in applications that can be exploited.


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