Social Engineering Attack
Is an attack technique by way of manipulation of the target can be informative to follow what he wanted to get the information and data. for example by making use of social networking or email that is sent to the target. it is intended to target url open a link or web page, known as phishing techniques. In this phase tried with social engineering and social engineering toolkit.
Social Engineering Toolkit
Making the payload and set the Ip address attacker
Making Payload and listener |
Menu payload, and i choose meterpreter reverse tcp
Menu |
Choose the encoder to bypass the AV Anti Virus, in this session select shikata ga nai and set the port listener..
Encoding | |
Iteration |
Open the msfconsole, use the multi hendler and set the LHOST, LPORT and run
Multi hendler msfconsole |
Multi Hendler |
With social engineering techniques so that the victim will execute the file. And look the payload in the victim machine (windows). in this scenario the victim download file msf via websites and save into My Documents.
Payload file victim target |
The victim execute the payload look the metasploit meterpreter..
Connected |
The target connected, we can remote download or upload..its nice backdoor
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